Aleksandr Bosenko
creative director

Architect and interior designer with his own practice for more than ten years.
Founder and chief architect at AIIX STUDIO since 2016.
Co-founder and creative director at since 2022.

From the very beginning, there has always been a strong emphasis on the interconnectedness of architecture, interior design, and product design in shaping his projects. This concept is driven by a desire to capture the subtle interplay between these disciplines and is combined with a spatial design approach that consistently seeks the essence of his creations.

A.B. prioritize the use of pure and tactile materials, resulting in designs that are clean and timeless. His approach pays homage to context and tradition, focusing on engaging the senses and creating physical experiences through the manipulation of space, textures, and light, all with the user's well-being at its core. His work is centered on functionality, durability, and comfort, forming an architectural language that isn't hesitant to convey aesthetics while remaining independent of passing fashion and trends.

“At we care about the mood and experience for human and always focus on materials, its energetic power and tactile sensation and we get the highest point from a client for that”, - A.B.

Designers Products: